Art & Painting

ART & PAINTING Sensitising students to art and aesthetics, not just in the classroom but also in their lives is an important pursuit at The Scindia School. Legendary art teachers have created this legacy that continues to flourish. Historically, the school had teachers from Shantiniketan who allowed creative freedom to the students, yet inculcated in them an appreciation for the artistic wealth of the country. The students get exposure to different schools of painting – from the Bengal to Modern, landscape, still life or abstract forms of art; water colours, oil pastels, charcoal acrylic or mixed media, almost all forms and media are covered in the Art & Painting classes. Various techniques of frescos adorn the walls of the school. The practice of art also includes decorations for occasions, stage props and costumes, and outdoor installations.
Shivansh Sahu
Adityawardhan Shailesh Jain