Investiture Ceremony
12 July 2017
July 11th 2017 marked a momentous day in the School calendar for two reasons. Firstly because new members were inducted to the Scindia family and secondly as it was the day when the Prefectorial Body for the session 2017 – 18 took oath of office.
The Principal, Dr. Madhav Deo Saraswat extended a warm welcome to the parents and students and urged them to foster a long lasting and meaningful relationship with the school and its stakeholders. Through personal anecdotes the Principal stressed on the importance of the role of parents and teachers in shaping personalities that one can be proud of. He encouraged parents in playing an active role in the development of their wards by being in sync with the school. Dr. Saraswat reiterated the fact collective responsibility is required to nurture the spirit of humanity which in turn will help them foster values like integrity and loyalty.
Soon after the inaugural address by Principal, Dr Saraswat members of the Prefectorial Body, for the session 2017 – 18, took oath of office and promised to uphold the ethos of The Scindia School and to lead by example. This was followed by the introduction of the Management Team along with the Deans of various departments and the Pastoral staff. At the end e portal training was given by NIIT team under the guidance of Dean of ICT, Mr. R K Kapoor. Then the new boys went to their respective houses.