A New Beginning

07 March 2014


It was a delight for the Principal, Mr. Samik Ghosh to welcome the new students of Classes VI to IX & XI along with their families at the special assembly conducted on 3rd July 2014 in the Assembly Hall. The event was coupled with the Oath Taking Ceremony for the Prefects and Recognizing Outstanding Academic Achievements by awarding of Scholars' Badges, Scholars' Scarf and Scholar's Tie.  Special prayers for the New Students and for the Prefects were read out. The award winners were reminded that it is important to silently express one's gratitude to the teachers, parents and friends without whose support it may not have been possible to have the wonderful achievements. It was a proud moment for the school when the Principal helped Shishir Garg wear the Scholar's Blazer. Shishir has earned this blazer for his exemplary performance in Academics.  The special assembly ended with the School Song.