12 October 2017
In order to encourage excellence in academia, an Academic Award ceremony for the session 2016 - 17, was organised at the Scindia School on the 10th of October, 2017. The programme started with the master of ceremonies welcoming Principal, Dr. Madhav Deo Saraswat for gracing the occasion. The Principal congratulated the recipients of the awards and was delighted to note the increase in the number of awardees year on year.
The criterion on the basis of which the awards were declared is as follows:
A. Honours Book:
i. Classes VI – VII: 4 A’s in the overall grades with no D grade in any subject
ii. Classes IX – X: A1 grade in at least 4 scholastic subjects with no D grade.
iii. Classes XI: 85 % and above in overall aggregate.
B. VP’s Breakfast: (Club of 90)
i. Classes VI – VII: A grade in at least 5 scholastic subject including IT with no D grade.
ii. Classes IX – X: A1 grade in at least 5 scholastic subjects including IT with no D grade.
iii. Classes XI: 90% and above in overall aggregate.
C. Scholar’s Banquet (Club of Super 90)
i. Classes VI – VII: A grade in all subject
ii. Classes IX – X: CGPA of 9.6 and above
iii. Classes XI: 90 % and above in overall aggregate
Towards the end of the ceremony Dr. Saraswat suggested the impressionable young minds that they must compete with no one else but their own selves, as each one of them is unique. He further elaborated that life must be taken as a learning experience and regular target setting must be done by individuals, which needs to be backed by planning and persistent effort. Principal drew the attention of the Scindia fraternity towards the importance of teamwork and urged all to make collective efforts to be able to rise and shine together.