The 74th Independence Day
15 August 2020

The 74th Independence Day of our nation was celebrated with great fervour and enthusiasm at the Fort with adequate safety precautions and careful social distancing. The celebration started with the arrival of the Chief Guest, an eminent Old Boy of the school, Mr Yashwant Mahadik (Ex- Sh, 1985). He was received by the Principal, Dr Madhav Deo Saraswat. The Chief Guest hoisted the tricolour and the staff sung the national anthem with pious dedication. The Principal, Dr Saraswat welcomed the Chief Guest and applauded the courage and determination of the staff for participating in the celebration by substituting for the presence and spirit of the students who are held back at home in these unprecedented times. While addressing the representative gathering, the Chief Guest expressed his gratitude for being a part of the ceremony and delineated how the school has contributed to his life. After the inspiring words of the Chief Guest, the Scindian fraternity presented a melodious rendition of ‘Saare Jahan Se Accha’. The performance proved that though we are separated due to physical distancing, our hearts are one. Thereafter, the community left for the Astachal, the spiritual centre of the School, where floral tributes were paid to the statue of Mahatma Gandhi, which was followed by some thought provoking pieces and soulful singing. The silence at the Astachal provided the introspection to gather the internal strength to persevere for being better, individually and as a community. The Principal presented the Chief Guest with a silver plaque as a token of gratitude. With this, the event came to a close.