The Ardour on the Cricket Field 2019-20
28 April 2020

This year, great talent was witnessed on the Cricket field. A total of 18 games were played in Group A and a total of 13 games were played in Group B. The addition of the Staff team in the A Group fixtures turned out to be a great innovation as they gave a tough competition to the boys. The Group A tournament started on 24th November 2019 and spanned over a total of 8 days. The Group B Tournament was held from 11th to 18th February 2020.
The results are as follows:
Group A
Best Batsman of the tournament: Viraj Kapoor with 173 runs
Best Bowler of the tournament: Vrushank Malhotra with a total of 9 wickets
Man of the Series: Abhyuday Chauhan with 158 runs and 12 wickets
House Positions:
I- Jayaji II- Jeevaji III- Mahadji IV- Madhav
V- Daulat VI- Ranoji VII- Shivaji VIII- Jayappa
Group B
Best Batsman of the tournament: Manjot Singh Sethi with 144 runs
Best Bowler of the tournament: Aditya Kumar with 7 wickets
Man of the Series: Rohit Gound with 168 runs and 6 wickets
House Positions:
I- Jayappa II- Jayaji III- Mahadji IV- Shivaji
V- Daulat VI- Ranoji VII- Jeevaji VIII- Madhav
Overall House Positions:
I- Jayaji II- Mahadji III- Jayappa IV- Jeevaji V- Daulat VI- Shivaji VII- Madhav VIII- Ranoji