The Inter House Cross Country Race 2015-16
08 November 2015
The Inter House Cross Country race for the Year 2015 -16 took place on 8th November 2015. The much awaited event after the Founders began at 7.00 AM from the Oval Field. The students ran with gusto and covered the area marked for them. The preparation helped the boys to perform with great energy and enthusiasm. The boys were cheered loudly by the other participants and faculty. The event began when The Principal, Dr Madhav Deo Saraswat arrived. It was successfully coordinated by Mr Naman Saraswat, Director Sports.
The cross country route is as follows:
JUNIOR HOUSES:-The boys started from oval→ turned right from Oval gate→ ran in front of the school building, tennis courts →turned left from VP’s residence→ ran behind Ranoji House and dining hall→ turned left from main security gate and entered the Oval Field and then into various blocks.
SENIOR ‘B’ GROUP: - The boys started from Oval Field→ turned right from Oval gate→ ran in front of school building and crossed O.A.T.→ turned right on the road and ran behind O.A.T. then they ran behind Modi Science block→ turned right from Khamba Tal and climbed up→ ran behind Mr A.N Jaiswal’s residence towards Teli Temple→ ran towards main security gate→ entered Oval field and then into various Blocks.
SENIOR ‘A’ GROUP: - The children started from Oval Field→ turned left from Oval gate→ turned right from main security gate→ and ran behind gurudwara → turned right behind dining hall and Ranoji house →turned right towards VP’s residence→ran in front of Jayappa, Daulat, Madhav and Shivaji house→ went down towards Shivaji Parapet→ turned right behind Shivaji and Madhav Houses→ ran behind Astachal → then came behind O.A.T and ran behind Modi Science Block→turned right from Khamba Tal and climbed up→ ran behind Mr A.N Jaiswal’s residence towards Teli Temple→ finally ran towards main security gate→ entered Oval field and then entered various Blocks.
The final result is as follows:
Junior Houses
Kartar Singh KD
Kenchay Lepcha NM
Kartikey Kulshrestha NM
B Group (Senior)
Zigme Gurung JP
Philip Rai RN
Karma Lepcha JP
A Group (Senior)
Mahindra Chettri MJ
Gaurav Jeronia SH
Arbin Das JP
here to see event photographs.