05 April 2021
The XX Scholars' Banquet and XXVI Sports Banquet for the year 2020-21 was held on 3rd April 2021 at 8.30 pm in the School Dining Hall. The Chief Guest of the evening, Dr Madhav Deo Saraswat, Principal, The Scindia School, was greeted by a fantastic Band Display by the Brass Band, with mellifluous tunes like the Immigrant Song, Final countdown and finally, the School Song. The Sports Banquet was attended by the Senior School Prefect, School Games Captain, and 13 Sports Captains while the Scholars’ Banquet was attended by 108 scholars. The event commenced with the Senior School Prefect, Angad Sahni welcoming the gathering to the celebration. Chirag Rathi and Aditi Joshi received the Scholars' blazer for exemplary performance in Class XI. Sher Bahadur Dahal was appointed as the School Games Captain and Gautam Agarwal was appointed as the Horse-Riding Captain. The first toast was raised by the Principal for the health of all. Sher Bahadur Dahal, the Sports Captain raised the toast for the outgoing Sportsmen of the school. The evening concluded with a four-course meal.